Thursday, May 14, 2009

A you-know-what in the grass

I wandered to the garden in the ravine this morning. The penstamon are blooming, and it's beginning to look quite lush. I bent down to pull a few weeds and came face to face with this guy...

Click this photo to get the full effect.

We made a few phone calls, and found there is a reptile rescue person in the Valley. His name is Buzz. Watch the slideshow to see him in action.
Buzz to the rescue

(Not for the snake squeemish, and you know who you are)

1 comment:

OnyxCollector said...

Thanks for showing us Buzz in action! He's involved in the Amphibian and Reptile Festival June 13th 9am to 3pm at the Kern River Valley Preserve in Weldon.