Saturday, August 28, 2010

Five weeks after the Bull Fire

Almost five weeks ago, a fire started up Bull Run Creek and devastated our lovely "back yard". We're going to have to learn to appreciate the beauty of what remains, and it's encouraging to see the greenery already pushing up at the roots of the burnt trees. In some ways parts feel like a northern forest in the middle of winter, with ash taking the place of snow. It's going to be interesting to find what remnants of the past have been revealed by the removal of all that (highly flammable) undergrowth.

Bull Run Five Weeks Later


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you guys made it through ok. We were up on our annual family camping trip at Rivernook Campground, and I was fishing just above "Big Daddy" rapids/falls on that Monday, when I saw the smoke up the river on the other side...was thinking about you guys since I enjoy your webcam of the river (I have posted prior expressing this)and I know you guys must have been pretty darn close to the fire. Once again, glad you guys are ok.

Jeff from Huntington Beach

Josh said...

Thanks, Jeff! It was pretty scary. I was here at Bull Run, but Roberta was hiking in the high country above Bishop, so she didn't find out about it until she came out of the hills...Not only were we pretty damn close, they set backfires right on our property line. Way too exciting.

Anonymous said...

Been thinking about you and all the good people up in Kernville. I follow your blog pretty regularly and am so glad to see that all is relatively well. We stay at the Sequoia Lodge a couple times a year and we love the area in the "off season" (Nov-March).

Roberta from Redondo Beach