Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Mystery

Recently, I put a couple of frozen chicken breasts out to thaw in the kitchen. Much to my surprise, I discovered one by the front door.

How could this have happened, I wondered....

Could one of these three be the culprit?
Who looks guilty?


Anonymous said...


Roberta said...

Considering his appetites he would be the obvious guess. But we have other suspicions...

Josh said...

It occurs to me that once the packets of chicken were liberated from the counter, all of the cats would had their own way with the items. Dinky spends the most time on the counter, so my guess is she found them and tossed them to the others to figure out.

Roberta said...

But the innocent looking SpiderCat is the one most known for dragging things off.

Anonymous said...

5 breathing beings in the house...J & R are exempt, hopefully. That leaves Dinky, Fritzi, Slick, Spider.
If the cats are exonerated.....the puppy in Fritzi might make her the culprit.

Josh said...

Nuh-uh. Fritzi was in the bedroom with us the whole time, and she's got witnesses to prove.

Roberta said...

Also, if you click on the first photo for a full size forensic rendering, you will note tiny pointy cat teeth parks on the plastic wrapper. Dental impressions are next.

Anonymous said...

Now, we are getting into the teeth of the matter. Did you save the evidence for the Savage one?

Anonymous said...

I think it was the Calico Kitty, has that quilty look for sure! Have a Happy New Year, guys! I am changing from kitty sitting to doggy sitting for January! Your photos are gorgeous! Candy the Gemini Twin

Roberta said...

Dinky, the calico, has a naturally guilty look, because she is most often guilty of something.